Breaking Free From Mediocrity
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord…” Colossians 3:23
Mediocrity is the easiest road leading to a dead end life. It is the acceptance and the “quo” of the status quo. It is a state of being that is void of passion, persistence and power. It’s being satisfied with a “dud.” It is the well-worn path to take in most any situation, but results in the least reward.
Mediocrity is in the DNA of the current Republican Congress and ninety percent of the Christian Churches in America. It sits on the shoulders of men and women who stand on the threshold of greatness and it whispers, “You better not stir the water or make any waves. Don’t tip the ship. Heaven help you if you offend someone else. You may know what’s true and right, but it’s just better to keep it to yourself.”
It’s a finger in the wind to determine its direction and finding the middle of the road on matters that matter. It’s the fear of the unknown and the security of taking the broad and easy way. It justifies remaining silent when you know you should speak up. It’s the killer of courage and the enforcer of compromise. It results in apathy and loss of self-respect.
For me, mediocracy is a state of life that I loathe for myself and fear for others. It destroys the vision for a better tomorrow, and in the Christian life, it leads to the death of spiritual growth and stagnant complacency for the days ahead.
The Scripture warns us, “Where there is no vision the people perish” Proverbs 29:18. In modern English it would read, “Without a vision, life becomes empty, hollow and dull.”
A vision gives us a purpose and a calling in life. The stronger the vision the greater the purpose. The greater the purpose the more likely we are to reach our ultimate potential. Apathy and mediocracy cannot find a place to abide in the life of vision. So in the safety of mediocracy is where they dwell.
When you think about the Bible book of the Revelation, it is a vision of the Lord Jesus and the times to come. When we read of the Gates of Pearl, the Tree of Life, the Throne of Christ and the eons of eternity in Heaven we get a vision of the future for every believer. Heaven will be a place of Extravagance. Extravagant love, mercy, joy, praise and ten thousand other blessings. There is nothing mundane or dull about that place. Wow, just to imagine!
But, as great as it will be, we’re not there yet. We still remain on this side of eternity and as long as we do – there is work to be done in the fulfillment of God’s plan on earth. And God’s plan is never mediocre and neither are those who He sends to fulfill it.
So mediocracy be gone! Vision and dreams arise! And let’s live each day filled with passion and rejoicing –“for this is the day that the Lord has made” and rest our heads upon the pillow each night knowing we have lived that day to its fullest!